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Privacy Policy

LIFEHUB Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") has established and operates this Privacy Policy as follows in order to recognize the importance of the personal information of Customers, promote the appropriate collection, use, and protection of such information, and conduct security management.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal Information shall mean the personal information set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act. This includes information that can be compared with other information to identify specific individuals.

2. Items of Personal Information to be Collected

The Company may collect the following items as Personal Information:

  • name, postal code, address, date of birth, sex, telephone number, e-mail address, details and history of transactions with the Company, information on public certificates, information on financial institution accounts, information on settlement and payment methods

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use Personal Information for the following purposes:

  1. to provide and operate, etc. this website, other websites operated by the Company, the Company’s products and Services (hereinafter referred to as "Products, etc.");
  2. to notify and confirm, etc. the matters necessary for providing and operating the Products, etc.;
  3. to analyze and examine the data necessary for improving and newly developing Products, etc.;
  4. to advertise Products, etc. and third party products, etc. (sending catalogs, mail magazines, DMs, etc., distributing advertisements on the Internet, etc.); or
  5. to exercise rights and perform obligations under the contracts or laws and regulations.

4. Change of Purpose of Use

The Company may change the purpose of use of Personal Information only if it can reasonably be considered that the purpose of use is related to the purpose of use before the change.
Any change in the purpose of use will be announced on this website.

5. Provision to Third Parties

The Company shall not provide Personal Information to any third party without the Customer’s consent. Provided, however, that the following shall be excluded:

  1. it is in accordance with laws and regulations;
  2. it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
  3. it is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
  4. it is necessary to cooperate with a national government organ, a local government or a person entrusted thereby in performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the relevant individual is likely to interfere with the performance of such functions; or
  5. it is permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other related laws and regulations in addition to those provided for in the preceding items.

6. Disclaimers for Provision to Third Parties

The Company shall have no liability whatsoever for the acquisition of Personal Information by a third party in the following cases:

  1. the Customer reveals his/her Personal Information to a third party (including the case in which the Customer has been accidentally identified through the information provided by the Customer himself/herself to a third party); or
  2. the Customer provides Personal Information on the external websites maintained by a third party other than the Company that is linked on this website or another website operated by the Company.

7. Supervision of Entrusted Parties

The Company may entrust the use of Personal Information to an entrusted party (including entrusted parties in foreign countries) to the extent necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use. In doing so, the Company shall thoroughly examine the suitability of such parties as an entrusted party and establish a system for properly managing information by stipulating matters concerning confidentiality obligations in an agreement.

8. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion, etc. of Personal Information

The Company shall respond to disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, and notification of purposes of use of Personal Information pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations, etc. This shall not be the case if the request cannot be identified or does not meet the requirements stipulated by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

9. Security Control Measures

The Company has taken the following measures to ensure the safe management of Personal Information.

  1. Basic policy development:
    The Company properly protects Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  2. Development of regulations concerning the handling of Personal Information:
    The Company has appointed a person responsible for the management of Personal Information and handles Personal Information in accordance with the Personal Information Handling Regulations.
  3. Organizational safety management measures:
    The roles and responsibilities of managers and employees are clarified, and communication and response systems are in place.
  4. Human safety management measures:
    The Company thoroughly disseminates the proper handling of Personal Information through training for executives and employees.
  5. Physical safety management measures:
    In order to prevent leaks, etc., files containing Personal Information are locked, etc. and are managed appropriately.
  6. Technical safety management measures:
    The Company has taken measures such as restricting access, etc. to the systems that handle Personal Information.

10. Use of Cookies

The Company may use cookies to obtain the following when a Customer uses this website and other websites operated by the Company:

  • cookie ID, information on device used, location information, browsing history, and other usage status (including access logs, IP addresses, browser information, and browser language settings).

The Customer may disable cookies by changing his/her browser settings. Provided, however, that please note that some services may not be available on this website, other websites operated by the Company and other websites if cookies are disabled. Consult the browser maker for instructions on how to change cookie settings. In addition, for specific ad delivery service providers, please check with the respective ad delivery service providers for information on how to individually deny the use of cookies.

11. Renewal of Privacy Policy

The Company may revise this Privacy Policy as needed or as there are changes in laws and regulations to protect Personal Information. In such a case, the latest Privacy Policy shall be posted on this website. Please check this page from time to time when using this website.

12. Inquiries

Please contact the Company through the company inquiry form for questions about this Privacy Policy (including inquiries about disclosure, correction, or deletion of Personal Information).

Updated: June 1, 2024